
Have you had your greens today? (Mushrooms and veggies in a Spinach based gravy)

Spinach is such a lovely food – the color, the texture and the feel I love it (Sounds like I am describing some garment :)). But most of all, I love the taste. Of course I like to use spinach in salads, pastas and have even used it on pizza. However this recipe that I tried turned out into a beautiful spinach gravy, was quick to make for dinner and I enjoyed it with some warm bread.

I loved the aromas and the flavors of how this dish turned out. So I will keep the post short and simple. Enjoy reading the ingredient list and method of cooking it. A simple home cooked dish made a wonderful meal for my husband and me that we really relished.

Ingredients :

Baby Spinach (Use how much every quantity you like. But spinach shrinks once it starts cooking. I used 150 grams)

1 medium sized onion

1 medium sized tomato

1 green chili

250 grams button mushrooms sliced

2 green bell peppers diced and cubed

100 grams mixed veggies (I used a mix of frozen carrots, beans, corn and peas )

Salt to taste

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 bay leaf

1 cinnamon stick

2-3 cloves

2 spoon olive oil

Spice mix (I get this is in a store but it is a mix of  fennel seeds, poppy seeds, Fenugreek seeds and onion seeds  and it looks something like below)

In a non-stick pan heat a spoon of olive oil. Saute the onions, tomatoes, green chili and spinach until the veggies are soft and semi cooked. Add salt as per taste. Cool the mix and then blend it until it forms a thick paste. Heat another spoon of olive oil in a non stick pan. Add in the spice mix, bay leaf , cinnamon stick and cloves until they crackle. Then pour in the blended spinach gravy along with the cut mushrooms, bell peppers and frozen veggies. Cook the mix for about 5-10 minutes until all are soft and cooked. Serve!!

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